Installing Solr 4 Under Tomcat In Windows OS

Apache Solr 4 brings UI update for its web administration. For those who want to install it under Tomcat 7 and Windows OS, you can do the following steps:

  • Extract the solr folder, and copy examples/solr folder to your destination. As an example we use C:\solr
  • Copy solr-4.x.x.war to yout Tomcat webapps folder (C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps)
  • Add “-DSolr.Solr.home=C:\Solr” to your Tomcat’s Java Options.
  • Restart Tomcat
  • Navigate to http://localhost:8080/solr-4.x.x, and check whether your solr admin has any issue.
    If it has “missing core name in path” error , go to solr-4-x.x folder inside Tomcat’s webapps folder, then open WEB-INF/web.xml file, Uncomment “env-entry” tag, and set “env-entry-value” tag value to solr folder (in my case, C:\solr). Save the changes and restart Tomcat again. You should be able to access http://localhost:8080/solr-4.x.x